Ko Ka Tsara Bush Camp

On the weekend we took a drive up to Beaufort West to the Ko-Ka Tsara Bush Camp . On route via the Huguenot tunnel we had great views of the snow on the mountain and as time pressed on the snow continued all the way up to the Hex River Valley area.


The weather was clear but the average day temperature was 5 deg an at night around 0deg, so a bit chilly but no wind so very pleasant in the daytime. Our target birds for the weekend were Cinnamon Breasted Warbler and then to add to the girls totals to get them both above the 300 mark which we achieved.

Of cause the hit of the weekend for all was the resident Meercat (Minki) and Jonty the dog that followed us everwhere throughout the weekend. Birds seen on the farm were: Acacia Pied Barbet , Pririt Batis , African Red Eyed Bulbul , White Throated Canary , Familiar Chat , Grey Backed Cisticola , Long Billed Crombec , African Fish Eagle , Verreaux Eagle , Yellow Bellied Eremomela , Fairy Flycatcher , Fiscal Flycatcher , Brown Hooded Kingfisher , Large Billed Lark , Red Faced Mousebird , White Backed Mousebird , White Necked Raven , Cape Robin Chat , Karoo Scrub Robin , Southern Double Collared Sunbird , Karoo Thrush , Short Toed Rock Thrush , Chestnut-vented Tit-babbler , Layard’s Tit-babbler , Cape Wagtail , Cinnamon Breasted Warbler , Rufous Eared Warbler , Common Waxbill , Mountain Wheatear , Cape White Eye. The couple of Mammals we saw were : Blue Wildebeest , Gemsbok , Bontebok , Imapala and Rock Hyrax. We did a day trail on top of the hills around the farm which proved to be rather entertaining and good fun was had by all. The on the way home just past Lainsberg Tiana SPOTTED an AARDVARK very coooool. This was by far the Highlight of the trip.